Viking Ships 2 – by Rob Shackleford

Viking Ships 2 Without the Viking ships, there would be no Viking Age. Norse sagas, skaldic poems and contemporary foreign sources describe the Viking ships as marvellous at sea, being compared to dragons, birds and sea serpents. Viking ships were a technology far ahead of other ships of the time. They were seaworthy and could sail vast distances, while their shallow draft allowed them to navigate shallow rivers or estuaries, while they were able to be dragged onto a beach. When Magnus the Good (1047) put his ships to sea, it was as if a swarm of angels from the…
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Who were the Vikings?

Who were the Vikings? by Rob Shackleford For more Blogs on Vikings, check out the links of previous Viking below: Why Vikings?   Vikings were a people some called Norsemen – North Men. They were residents of scattered farming and fishing communities that existed in the far north of Europe in what is now known as Denmark, Norway, Sweden and perhaps Finland. This was long before they became unified nations. These North Men developed significant advances in shipping technology in the 7th and 8th centuries that meant their boats were powered by sails, rather than solely by oars. Made of…
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